Train timetables from Chiang Mai to Bangkok

Hualumphong Train Station Bangkok

This is the 2016 updated train timetable from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and also displays the cost of train tickets from Chiang Mai to Bangkok

There are 5 classes of the train as follows:

3rd class seating fan cooled

2nd class seating fan cooled

2nd class seating air condition

2nd class sleeper fan cooled (upper or lower birth)

2nd class sleeper air condition (upper or lower birth)

1st class sleeper air condition (upper or lower birth)

Travel time is around the 12-hour mark, but some trains are a little quicker and some take longer depending on which type of train is taken.

Train Timetable from Chiang Mai to Bangkok

TrainDeparture TimeArrival Time3rd class
fan cooled
2nd class
fan cooled
2nd class

air condition
2nd class
fan cooled
2nd class
air condition
1st class
air condition
Rapid Train
No. 102
06:3021:10-391 baht----
Sprinter Train
No. 008
08:5019:25--641 baht---
Express Train
No. 014
15:3005:25271 baht431 baht-531 baht (upper)
581 baht
751 baht
821 baht (lower)
Special Express Train
No. 014
17:0006:15791 baht (upper)
881 baht (lower)
1953 baht
Special Express Train
No. 002
18:0006:50--671 baht791 bhat (upper)
881 baht (lower)
1253 baht (upper)
1453 baht (lower)

Train tickets for all can be purchased from the Travel hub Chiang Mai office (unfortunately we can not sell train tickets online) All train tickets bought at the Travel hub office are subject to a 100 baht booking fee/surcharge per ticket.

Train time tables from Bangkok to Chiang Mai

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One Thought to “Train timetables from Chiang Mai to Bangkok”

  1. Max

    Nice! great info. I understand that Hualumpong Train Station is closing and you will have to get on the train at the new train station?

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